Your story, well shared.
Are you starting a new tech company? Repositioning your existing organization? Or seeking how to connect with customers in new ways? I help organizations navigate change and potential creation, together.
Better experiences
Services: Design thinking, business modelling, behaviour modelling, journey mapping
Anything you do as a brand is about people. It’s why you exist. So why aren’t people considered more in the opportunities to inform, educate, entertain and actually engage them? That’s where we unpack and consider your unique opportunity to engage people with a focus on results.
The human experience is central to Expericent. It’s our first and last consideration when we work with you. Without a human connection, effective communication is a non-starter.
Connected strategies
Services: Strategic planning, branding, marketing strategy
Customer loyalty is the result of promises kept, positive experiences, follow-through and ultimately defined by people not companies. Your brand sits on top of your integrated strategy which is the guiding light that intersects the many aspects of your business with internal and external audiences.
Together, your brand and strategic planning go hand in glove. That gloved hand never lets go of the mobile device so digital engagement is an integral part of the process.
Deeper engagement
Services: Digital strategy, experience design, design sprints, content marketing
You can’t separate the hand from the digital device today. From smartphones to wearable technology, digital engagement is the most direct and potentially immersive opportunity to connect people with your passion, products and ideas.
We have worked in the digital space since 1992 and have been part of the digital revolution, grown with it, shaped it and have brought great brands with us.
Integrated storytelling
Services: Narrative and story development, creative development, campaigns
Somewhere in the 20th century business forgot about the power of story when, in fact, human beings are hardwired over hundreds of thousands of years to want to experience them. Storytelling in business is a vast opportunity to engage people quickly and effectively. While not the campfires of old modern storytelling and the many ways it can be done is remarkable.
We connect ideas and audiences with a focus on why your story matters.
Where do we begin? Call Scott at (403) 613-3142 to share your need or challenge.