Research Projects
As former Chair of the School of Communication Design at Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) in Calgary and presently a faculty member, research is a priority in any academic or industry work I take on. Working in teams in the pursuit of change is a passion. Following are a couple of notable research projects that I have been involved with and I’m grateful for the collaborations it has enabled.

International Association of Societies of Design Research
Peer Reviewed Research: Applying Design Thinking for Business Model Innovation for a Nonprofit Organization | Intellect Books | Design and the Creation of Social Value – Re: Research, Volume 3

Learning Our Way Forward: Calgary’s Path to a LearningCITY
For 40 years, economic, social, and cultural factors such as advanced technology and globalization have changed how cities compete to attract new citizens. A city’s proximity to natural resources is no longer the driver of its competitive advantage. Instead, a city’s ability to attract, develop and retain talent (the people who will live and work there) is the greatest predictor of social, and economic prosperity. That means how cities grow and develop their talent pool is crucial.